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Questioning the traditional concert format, developing cross-disciplinary artistic projects, combining music,

dance and visual arts, bringing together the protagonists of the concert and changing

their outlook on contemporary music.

Photo projets Oiseaux : Danse et musique contemporaine Les oiseaux de Messiaen La flute enchantée

Songs of the birds
Dance & Music

Inspired by Olivier Messiaen, Songs of the Birds is a listening experience, halfway between a traditional concert and performance art.

Part of the piece is built up in the moment, as a dancer improvises, interacting in real time with the set and guiding the audience through a succession of musical scenes.

The Berio project
Oboe, Electronics & more

An article, a film, a digital edition, a new composition...

Inspired by Berio's 100th birthday, a range of original ways to approach a masterpiece from the repertoire, opening up new gateways to Sequenza VII.

Musique et peinture Sequenza VII, Sinfonia, Tristan et Isolde

Invisible Game
Research, Electronics & Performance

An experimental dive into the extended techniques for the oboe with composer Arnau Brichs and sound designer Dionysios Papanikolaou, using the latest research on electronic wavetable synthesis, spectral morphing and additive synthesis. In partnership with the IRCAM, world famous research center.

Polyphonie cachée Partita BWV 1013 de Bach et Sequenza de Berio

Solo / Polyphonies

It may seem paradoxical to speak about polyphony for an instrument like the oboe. Yet, suggesting the presence of several voices in a single melodic line has challenged many composers such as Luciano Berio, Johann Sebastian Bach or Thierry Escaich.

Solo / Polyphonies aims to reveal the hidden polyphony of their works for solo oboe and use it to bring performer and audience closer together.

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